Course Materials for CPSC 475

1. Syllabus

2. Calendar: I will update the calendar weekly. 

3. Common Handouts: Handouts common to all of my courses like installing the virtual machine, cloning my GitHub repository, the grading scheme for projects, and program formatting rules

4. Videos/Readings/Links:  Links to lots of stuff relevant to computational linguistics, including a Python tutorial

5. Project Specifications: Specifications for all programming projects

6. Example Programs: These are stored in my GitHub repository.  Instructions for cloning the repository are found among "Common Handouts," above.  You can access the repository directly through this link:

6. Lectures:  Given the covid crisis, the material for most of the course will be available as slides which are found at this link. 

7. Study Guides Study guides for all tests can be found at this link. Since all tests are untimed and take-home, the study guide for each test will consist of a list of the material covered on that test.