Course Materials for CPSC 122

1. Syllabus

2. Calendar: I will update the calendar weekly. 

3. Common Handouts: Handouts common to all of my courses like installing the virtual machine, cloning my GitHub repository, the grading scheme for projects, and program formatting rules 

4. Videos/Readings/Links: Links to lots of stuff like Linux & C++ references, a Python tutorial, and various things of interest to CS students

5. Project Specifications: Specifications for all programming projects

6. Example Programs: These are stored in my GitHub repository. 

Instructions for cloning the repository are found in "Common Handouts," above.  You can access the repository directly through this link: In particular, the directory JavaToC++ holds 14 programs, 7 in Java and an "equivalent" 7 in C++.  These should ease the transition to C++ for students who have studied Java and placed out of CPSC 121.

7. Lectures:  Most material will be presented in class as example programs, both from GitHub and on the board.  This link is to slides for a few special topics.

8. Study Guides Study guides for all tests can be found at this link. Since all tests are untimed and take-home exams, the study guide for each test will consist of a list of the material covered on that test.